Ceramic covers for gentle beautification

Veneers are thin, translucent ceramic covers and are used to visually enhance teeth and protect enamel – the outer layer of the tooth.

If front teeth are stained and heavily filled, or the incisal edges have become thin, glassy and ragged, then these teeth can look as if nothing had ever happened again.

Veneers – usage in the practice

Example with long necks of teeth

In the first two cases, the long necks of the teeth are visible, which causes the so-called ‘black triangles’ between the teeth. The gums have receded there.

The veneers change the shape of the teeth and conceal the loss of the gums – I can even do this without giving an injection and without filing the teeth (so-called non-prep veneers).

A common problem after orthodontic treatment:

Overlapping teeth are straightened by braces, but the gums between the teeth are unfortunately absent afterwards. And that looks unattractive and unwelcome.

And it is frustrating for the client to have worn fixed braces for such a long time for this unsightly result. I have also spent several years working on orthodontics for clients and children. Thanks to my 20 years of experience, however, I can permanently compensate almost any misalignment of the front teeth in adults with veneers and all-ceramic crowns (E-Max crowns) without braces.

Veneers - after treatment
After treatment with veneers
Veneers - Before treatment
Before treatment with veneers
Veneers - Before treatment
Before treatment with veneers
Veneers - after treatment
After treatment with veneers
Veneers - after treatment
After treatment with veneers
Veneers - Before treatment
Before treatment with veneers
Example of a front tooth

The front tooth of this young lady was repaired with a dark, unattractive filling after an accident. The tooth even looks crooked afterwards. The girl suffered a great deal with this tooth, but wanted to be treated as gently as possible with a veneer.

A single veneer on a front tooth in an area with maximum visibility and exposure poses the greatest challenge both for me and for the dental technician, as the final shade is only visible after the veneer has been finally bonded to the rest of the tooth.

veneers after exampel
After treatment with veneers
veneers before exampel
Before treatment with veneers
veneers after exampel
After treatment with veneers
It is not something that can be tried out beforehand and calls for a high degree of experience in all areas.


Advantages of veneers

  • The colour remains
  • The shape remains
  • The transition of the veneer edge at the edge of the gum remains invisible for life
  • No aesthetic loss even with receding gums
  • No interaction with other materials in the mouth
  • No changes in taste

How much does a veneer cost?

Veneers call for a high degree of experience in all areas. An art form that has its price. A single veneer costs around €1,200.

But it is always worth treating the tooth properly. Ceramic does not change in the mouth.


If the client wants to see what they might look like with veneers, I take impressions for a wax-up. The dental technician changes the position and shape of the teeth according to my instructions by applying wax to the plaster model. He places a template over it, which I then fill up with plastic and place in the client’s mouth over his teeth and remove again after the plastic has hardened. This allows the client to see what he could look like with straight or longer and lighter-coloured teeth.

This is a moment that most customers and my assistants love: what such a change can do to a person!

I then encourage clients to take photos using their mobile phones so they can show other people the results and take them back home with them as a reminder.

I also have books about various veneer visions with photos on display in the waiting room, similar to the photos above.


Your dental practice in the centre of Stade

When choosing the location of our practice, we made sure that it was within easy reach. It is very close to parking facilities and public transport stops.

Accessibilitywalking distance
Bike standsright in front of the door
Multi-storey car parkabout 2 minutes
Bus stop (Pferdemarkt)about 2 minutes
Station (S-Bahn and train)about 8 minutes

Dental practice Dr. Nicole Leonhard